Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alcohol Addiction - How to Know If You Have a Problems with Alcohol

Why should you stop drinking alcohol? How you can tell if alcohol is a problem in your life. Alcohol is a problem if drinking too much causes a lot of troubles in your life.

Ask self you yourself the following questions:

If the answer is yes of 1 or more of the following questions is, you may have a problem with alcohol. Have you never felt:

Need to reduce drinking?
Disturbed by the criticism because of drinking?
Guilty of drinking liquor.
It's as if needs liquor in the morning?

Drinking problems? Do you need help to stop drinking? Most individuals just think bum / slacker bum ghetto "when they think about someone a problem with alcohol. This is the name of the final stage of alcohol problems, when a drinker of alcohol lost family members, work and health due to alcohol abuse. You can not reach this stage overnight.

You may show little real change throughout the day, starting with more booze than a you want or plan or more than the dose you conduct activities such as driving a car or motorcycle.

Most people find it difficult to recognize if alcohol is a problem for him. Often guy around you may see that it is a problem you before you know. Think about the things a mentioned here. Think about what a friends and family you tell you about drinking habits you. Then consult a doctor about the problem you it.

Here are other signs that alcohol is a problem.

Anxiety or concern
Become suspicious a extraordinary.
Not aware / Reduced or memory loss.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol.
The loss of price self.
No treatment self alone
Low performance
Through the day with pain at the time woke up the morning after drinking a too much
Hand shaking / tremors
In the male occurs in the erectile disorder (erectile dysfunction).

How alcohol affects your health?

Alcohol is the most well known as a cause cirrhosis of the liver, liver disease / liver. In addition, alcohol not gives much influence on health you. Alcohol is a major cause of death and accidents. Alcohol is also a bad influence on the baby during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause stomach ulcers / gastric ulceration or injury due to gastric bleeding or irritation of the stomach lining.

What just causes alcoholism?

The cause of alcoholism is not fully known. History of alcoholism in a family (any family member also liked to drink alcohol) increased the chance of alcoholism on a person. Gender is a common factor and plays a big role, and men seem more high risk than women. Some guy drinking alcohol to relieve or release self from anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, doubt self or unhappiness.

Why should you stop drinking?

Stop drinking alcohol is the only way to cause of alcohol problems in life you. Probably it is not easy to stop drinking alcohol. But it is possible. It is a great achievement and if you beat alcoholism, it will be paid by health condition, a better relationships with friends and family members, a harmonious and responsible life and smooth career. When you think of stopping alcohol, you may want and need make a list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol.

How do I stop?

An initial step is to realize that you're a controlling behavior you alone. That is the only control a real a you has in life you. So use awareness you as a behavior control you. The next steps are:

Commit to quit. Once you decided to quit, you can make plans to ensure success of your recovery from alcohol addiction.

Search and get help from doctors a competent. Doctors can be the best advocates for you. Alcoholism is a disease, and alcoholism can be treated. Discuss and consult with your doctor or consultant of the problem you to be helped and resolved.

Get support. Contact or make contact with organizations / groups or institutions of national consultation alcohol dependence and drugs. They can provide you device and supports you need to stop from alcoholism. Ask support and support from friends and family members you too.

When you drink alcohol, your body is trying to adopt the influence or pressure effects of the substance. Chronic tolerance to alcohol will lead to withdrawal symptoms when people accustomed to drinking too much alcohol quit the habit.

Acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms include halluciantions, the attack and great delirium tremens(confusion, seeing the picture of life, shaking and tremors, irritability), and even death can occur. This is why you need treatment from a doctor if you previously heavy drinkers and trying to quit the habit.

Alcohol Detoxification and Alcohol Withdrawal Syndromes

Alcoholism withdrawal is a serious condition that can occur if excessive drinking for a long time suddenly stops. Withdrawal is very real and very serious matter that needs medical attention and often months of follow-up care. Alcoholism withdrawal is a severe condition and should be treated with the necessary and important care in order to ensure the safety of individuals and to avoid complications in the near future. Another problem associated with alcoholism withdrawal is tough and very strong urges to consume alcohol.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms usually begin within twelve hours after the last consumed alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can cause high fever, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, hallucinations, and delirium TREMENS even worse. Heavy sedation may be required at least initially to reduce symptoms. Symptoms peak within two to three days but can last for a week or more.

Alcoholism is a curable disease if treated properly and not left too long in a certain period. Rehabilitation is designed to treat alcohol withdrawal and it is recommended that when trying to beat alcohol, a person should sought treatment because of damages to the physical aspects and emotional matters as well. Alcohol rehabilitation is designed to provide supervision and care during the withdrawal period to ensure that it does not threaten life as it can.

Without alcohol detox program, patients tend to relapse even before they were aware of and moved past the initial withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism. There is also a direct correlation between depression and alcohol addiction with up to fifty percent of alcoholics presenting symptoms of major depression during a certain time period and many of them are the same with thoughts of committing suicide.

Detox is designed to remove severe and debilitating symptoms of withdrawal and help patients through the process of giving up alcohol. Detox treatment period primarily to overcome the shock to deny the body and to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

The doctor suggested that detoxification from alcohol should be the treatment for alcohol withdrawal when they're trying to stop drinking. Some individuals want privacy and comfort of home during the process, so they chose detoxification program at home which is also a way not to spend money on treatment centers. During the alcohol detox program, doctors often prescribe alcohol detoxification to help Addicts cope with withdrawal symptoms and to help them refuse a drink in the future.

During detox, the body must be stabilized before completing detoxification and substitute drugs often used to help it slowly weaned from the individual and to prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms are serious. Alcohol rehabilitation must follow the detox because your body has stabilized and ready for addiction treatment. After the detoxification process of removing all the toxins accumulate in the body due to alcohol.

There is no cure for alcoholism, as in any other case of addiction. But there are treatments and programs to stop alcoholism. Meet all existing types and what are their procedures and what is the most suitable alcohol treatment for each patient.

In most cases, the patient himself can not realize how much is involved with drink, tending to deny the use or even their dependence on it.

In these cases, you can begin treatment by helping patients to recognize their problem and the need to treat yourself and try to abstain from alcohol. The indication for hospitalization is at least an initial phase of detoxification and is usually advisable.

There is considerable evidence that cognitive behavioral treatments that aim to improve self-control and social skills consistently lead to the reduction of alcoholism.

Among the forms of treatment most appropriate, the programs are based on 12 steps (Alcoholics Anonymous), based on acceptance of illness, coping and relapse prevention. Studies also indicate that family support in the treatment of alcoholics contributes to improved outcomes.

Usually performed in few days under medical supervision, alcohol withdrawal symptoms treatments are done to combat the effects of the signs. Given the very high rates of relapse, however, alcoholism is not a disease to be treated exclusively in the context of conventional medicine.

Alcohol Abuse and Its Symptoms

In most cases, drinking alcohol is a huge part of their social life. The right amount of drinking - 2 shots per day for men and 1 shot for women can be tolerated as recent studies shows. But still more are obsessed and desire for excessive drinking of alcohol. They are not contented with the principle of moderate drinking and end up abusing alcohol without any reason. In this situation, millions of people are now being considered as alcoholics and are suffering from alcoholism. But they want to beat alcoholism to live a life worth living.

The effect of too much alcohol in the body is dangerous to our health. An alcoholic can get a lot of diseases and health complications at the later stage of being dependent to the substance. He may also suffer from inflammation of the liver (liver cirrhosis), weakness of the body and brain damage and is extremely dangerous for pregnant women. In addition, a recorded large number of deaths are caused by car accidents caused by drunk driving and intoxications of alcohol. Other great risks are committing suicides while under the influence of the addictive substance.

What is alcohol abuse?

In simple sense, it is an excessive consumption of alcohol while ignoring its negative side effects. It is a repetitive action that affects not only the individual who is under the influence of alcohol but also to those around him. In general, someone who abuses alcohol and is suffering from alcoholism can experience these following symptoms:

a. Craving or excessive desire to drink alcohol even if he knows the effects of the substance psychically and psychologically. The body always demands excessive alcohol intake.

b. Loss of control in drinking.

c. Physical dependence or need to drink. An individual may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms which includes bad feeling, sweating, tremors, and anxiety caused by a sudden stop after a long period of multiple drinking.

d. Tolerance - The need of more than usual before achieving "high" or the desired effect of alcohol.

An increasing number of Catholic household’s problem Garo tribe of excessive alcohol consumption due to concerns of the group invited Legion of Mary in the diocese Mymensingh.

They also lend a hand to help overcome this problem. Two years ago, leaving her husband Sovya Mrong often acted harshly against him due to drinking alcohol.

"My husband drinks every day chu (typical of alcoholic beverages Garo tribe). He did not care at all with the family and often harshly treated me every time I ask him to not drink too much, "said Mrong to UCA News. Her husband also refused to follow the Mass on Sunday.

For two years, 39-year-old woman was working as a cook for the priests in the diocese Unio Mymensingh.

Beginning in 2009, he met with Sister Mrinalini Rema, CSC (Congregation of the Holy Cross) as chairman of Legion of Mary Parish Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) in Jalchatra which then helps him find a solution to the problem at hand.

Sr. Rema and other members of the Legion Mrong pray at home and give guidance to her husband to stop drinking alcohol. "Thank God, they succeeded. My husband has stopped drinking alcohol, and now went to church on Sundays, "he said happily Mrong.

"We are extremely grateful to the Legion of Mary. Now we can live as a happy family again," he added.

Before the Legion of Mary is set to intervene, at least 20 families in 14 villages in Jalchatra is experiencing the same sufferings. Until now no one of the husbands who had returned to alcohol drinking habits.

Legion of Mary was founded by a layman in Ireland in 1921. Habits do is to visit family members and the sick, and work together in the apostolic activities of the parish. They pray regularly each week, held a meeting, making plans, doing service activities for about 2 hours a week in the team.

Legion of Mary in Mymensingh diocese was formed in 1994 and until now has had more than 100 members.

Every Sunday after mass, they gathered in the parish hall to pray and raise funds for the poor. But now they decided to help the family apart by alcohol.

"While drinking alcohol own production during traditional ceremonies or party is a tradition of Garo, family problems arise when people make regular alcohol as a beverage," said Sr.. Rema, CSC.

"We pray to God through the intercession of Mary, help the poor and sick, and provide guidance and advice to families who experience problems due to alcohol."

According to Sr. Rema, guidance takes a long time, about 15-30 days. For that Legion members visit the family several times and talked with their husbands who are addicted to alcohol. If there is a positive response, they will arrange a schedule of prayer asking God's blessing for these families.

Recently Bobita Dofo also experienced the same situation as experienced Mrong. Then members of the Legion have scheduled Dofo prayer at home and give guidance to her husband.

"My husband has stopped drinking. He also has diligently went to church and even follow the evening prayer with the family" Dofo said.

Tips To Beat Alcoholism

Tips in Dealing Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

People who are addicted to alcohol can easily be identified by means of these few physical and psychological symptoms. From the reddish eyes, swelling around the eyes, hoarse voice, dried skin to very fast pulse. Psychological signs may include tend to be irritable, suspicious and very emotional. In the early stages of alcoholism, they usually suffer from a series of symptoms such as vomiting, suffering from sleep disorders and headaches. Excessive alcohol consumption will eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and many other illnesses which are fatal and can affect both the life of the involve alcoholic and other family members.

Given the negative effects of bad alcohol excess, it's good start to limit your alcohol intake. But if you have experienced symptoms of excess alcohol as mentioned above, you can try the following natural ways to ease your problems. These stop drinking tips might help you to ease the pain and sufferings as well as the anxiety and depression.

Drink a Good Type of Wine. Eat a limited diet. Eating grapes for 1 month is a vital natural remedy to overcome alcoholism. Grapes contain pure form of alcohol which recent studies proved can act as a healthy alternative to alcohol’s addictive substances and chemical ingredients. The process is ideal to eat fresh grapes as the main meal 3 times a day every 5 hours. To obtain maximum results, make sure you really stop drinking alcohol.

Eat fruits and vegetables. If consumed regularly, apples help remove intoxication and reduce the craze for wine or other liquor types. Fruits have a natural form of alcohol thus providing the satisfaction without putting your health at risks. Dates were instruments in dealing with alcoholism in the latter part of the 80’s. Have at least 3-4 seeds in half a glass of water and drink 2 times a day for a month to help reduce toxicity and detox from alcoholism. If you are having alcohol withdrawal symptoms, eating the right food can ease the physical signs of withdrawals. Leaf extract juice from pare declared effective by overcoming drinking alcohol. This juice is also good to help overcome the damage the liver. Combine 3 tablespoons juice with a glass of milk and drink every morning for a month. Raw celery juice provides a calming effect on patients with excess alcohol. Mix half a cup of water with half cup of raw celery juice and drink every day for a month. In this way expressed very effective in relieving and stopping alcoholism.

Exercise at least thirty minutes a day. This will allow you physically fit in order to tolerate all the fatigue you will experience during the stop drinking process. It will also keep your mind and body busy therefore conditioning you entirety to withdraw and give up the habit.

These are few things you can do in order to totally get rid of the habit and recover from alcoholism. If you are not sure about your condition, always ask your doctor about the proper approach in dealing with alcoholism.

You Can Stop Drinking Alcohol

When I took the Five Training, I thought it would be very far to stop drinking. There were other points where the training could start my work of transformation and, indeed, I did not understand much because I should stop. After all, I was an alcoholic, and not drinking much. He drank socially as they say.

Over time, the strength training became apparent and actually decreases the amount of alcohol I consumed, but stopping drinking was something still difficult. Alcohol worked as part of my socialization and relaxation and I needed a reason, a reason to drink.

Just over a year, a person came to attend our stop drinking session and shared right away all his problems with alcohol, his drinking problems and all the things related to his behavior as an alcoholic. Through the sequence of the stop drinking programs and sessions we shared, I feel with him the pain of being a dependent to the substance. He is sweet and kind and he attended weekly group which only made me cherish it, admire it and feel much pain every time he had a crisis and turned to drink. I could feel his suffering and despair.

At a retreat last year came the insight. The fact that I helped the alcohol industry and had part in the growing field, I came to realized that it is precisely the reason and what made him suffer. It's hard to stop seeing so many people abusing alcohol. I saw clearly interconnection. He suffers and suffers because I buy alcohol and abuse it, too. I felt responsible for his pain and decided to stop drinking. The awareness of the suffering that goes with abusing alcohol came as a thunderbolt and saw clearly all the connections and the consequence of my actions.

I stopped drinking for a long time, until I relaxed and drank a glass of wine at a dinner at my house, and then a glass of beer at another event and so on. I could only drink one cup, because each sip, I always remember the consequences and the sufferings that was present. I believe that the process is on me anyway, in waves. Awareness deepens gradually. After another retreat this year, and after reading the testimony of the Mindfulness Bell magazine, my awareness became deeper and it get to my full attention to get stronger and firm to stop drinking alcohol to get rid of the consequences of my actions.

I also noticed the difference between the interdepartmental training. I'm giving up the habit of binge drinking because I understand now the effects of alcohol in my life and to the lives of the people around me. I realized how fool I am allowing the substance to slowly penetrate my system and allowing it to ruin my career, relationships and health.

For some time now, I am not drinking alcohol and my commitment is, by this my resignation, to help in some way those who have no choice. I want to help those people who want to stop drinking alcohol but don’t know how and when to begin. I want to warn those individuals who are suffering from the disease and not knowing the consequences. Those people need help and I want them to beat the habit for good by means of sharing my past and personal experiences while I was a slave of alcohol that put my life at risk.

Photo Credit: Paul Cardin