Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alcohol Addiction - How to Know If You Have a Problems with Alcohol

Why should you stop drinking alcohol? How you can tell if alcohol is a problem in your life. Alcohol is a problem if drinking too much causes a lot of troubles in your life.

Ask self you yourself the following questions:

If the answer is yes of 1 or more of the following questions is, you may have a problem with alcohol. Have you never felt:

Need to reduce drinking?
Disturbed by the criticism because of drinking?
Guilty of drinking liquor.
It's as if needs liquor in the morning?

Drinking problems? Do you need help to stop drinking? Most individuals just think bum / slacker bum ghetto "when they think about someone a problem with alcohol. This is the name of the final stage of alcohol problems, when a drinker of alcohol lost family members, work and health due to alcohol abuse. You can not reach this stage overnight.

You may show little real change throughout the day, starting with more booze than a you want or plan or more than the dose you conduct activities such as driving a car or motorcycle.

Most people find it difficult to recognize if alcohol is a problem for him. Often guy around you may see that it is a problem you before you know. Think about the things a mentioned here. Think about what a friends and family you tell you about drinking habits you. Then consult a doctor about the problem you it.

Here are other signs that alcohol is a problem.

Anxiety or concern
Become suspicious a extraordinary.
Not aware / Reduced or memory loss.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol.
The loss of price self.
No treatment self alone
Low performance
Through the day with pain at the time woke up the morning after drinking a too much
Hand shaking / tremors
In the male occurs in the erectile disorder (erectile dysfunction).

How alcohol affects your health?

Alcohol is the most well known as a cause cirrhosis of the liver, liver disease / liver. In addition, alcohol not gives much influence on health you. Alcohol is a major cause of death and accidents. Alcohol is also a bad influence on the baby during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause stomach ulcers / gastric ulceration or injury due to gastric bleeding or irritation of the stomach lining.

What just causes alcoholism?

The cause of alcoholism is not fully known. History of alcoholism in a family (any family member also liked to drink alcohol) increased the chance of alcoholism on a person. Gender is a common factor and plays a big role, and men seem more high risk than women. Some guy drinking alcohol to relieve or release self from anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, doubt self or unhappiness.

Why should you stop drinking?

Stop drinking alcohol is the only way to cause of alcohol problems in life you. Probably it is not easy to stop drinking alcohol. But it is possible. It is a great achievement and if you beat alcoholism, it will be paid by health condition, a better relationships with friends and family members, a harmonious and responsible life and smooth career. When you think of stopping alcohol, you may want and need make a list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol.

How do I stop?

An initial step is to realize that you're a controlling behavior you alone. That is the only control a real a you has in life you. So use awareness you as a behavior control you. The next steps are:

Commit to quit. Once you decided to quit, you can make plans to ensure success of your recovery from alcohol addiction.

Search and get help from doctors a competent. Doctors can be the best advocates for you. Alcoholism is a disease, and alcoholism can be treated. Discuss and consult with your doctor or consultant of the problem you to be helped and resolved.

Get support. Contact or make contact with organizations / groups or institutions of national consultation alcohol dependence and drugs. They can provide you device and supports you need to stop from alcoholism. Ask support and support from friends and family members you too.

When you drink alcohol, your body is trying to adopt the influence or pressure effects of the substance. Chronic tolerance to alcohol will lead to withdrawal symptoms when people accustomed to drinking too much alcohol quit the habit.

Acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms include halluciantions, the attack and great delirium tremens(confusion, seeing the picture of life, shaking and tremors, irritability), and even death can occur. This is why you need treatment from a doctor if you previously heavy drinkers and trying to quit the habit.

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